Sunday, December 27, 2009

Found something interesting? Share it on orkut:orkut share

Popular quotes in world of sharing

  • sharing is sexy
  • sharing is wealth
  • sharing is caring
  • sharing is good 
Just like you have been sharing on different sites like

Now Google’s Orkut give you access to share on orkut too.

hOW to use
          1. whenever you find something interesting over internet , you like to share with your orkut friends just click on regular button  image
or mini buttonimage
you can also include this share button on your blog or website, just copy paste this code for regular button like this image

<!-- Google Orkut Share Element -->
<div id="orkut_share" style="width:100%;">Loading</div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('orkut.share', '1');
new google.orkut.share.Button({
}, true);

 or for mini button like this image  copy paste this code

<!-- Google Orkut Share Element -->
<div id="orkut_share" style="width:100%;">Loading</div>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load('orkut.share', '1');
new google.orkut.share.Button({
}, true);

For more customised button visit orkut share page

          2. you can also bookmark it on you browser like on shown below

hOW to
          1.  Just click and drag this pic image
onto you toolbar of browser
whenever you are reading something interesting enough to share just click on it , a popup with pop up like this one


write what you wana say to your friends about what you are sharing  within 95 character and just click and share and it will get updated on wall of your friends page just like you do in facebook

for more clear idea visit  'orkut share' installation page

          2. You'll also have an option to create a promotion (using 'orkut promote
') to better spread the word about that content.

         3. when you are done with publishing , your friends can also comment back to it


for sharing all other websites use sharethis or addthis


Found something interesting on the internet? Share it on orkut! - orkut blog