Saturday, December 26, 2009

Google acquires Admob, a mobile advertising company


After successful acquisition of Youtube , double-click , now Google acquired Admob for $750 million, looking into growing mobile internet users and its deep interest in every space of advertising

AdMob is mobile advertising company popular in iphone, offering solutions for monetization on the mobile web ,with headquarter based in California,Founded in 2006 by Omar Hamoui , an entrepreneur trying to solve a problem. He  wanted to build traffic for his mobile site.He encountered complexity and fragmentation - just too hard to engage users. thus AdMob was born to remove roadblocks and enable mobile web businesses.

Admob currently operating in California, NewYork ,London, Japan, Singapore,Admob is currently heading towards India as per its business expansion plans ,for more info

Google is explaining the benefits of buying Admob in its press Release

Join Admob , take video lessons ,start making money

other related links

Google press release on Admob

Admob about page  

Google Acquires AdMob For $750 Million-Tech crunch 

BBC News - Google's Admob plans scrutinised by US regulator

Official Google Blog: Investing in a mobile future with AdMob