Thursday, April 1, 2010

Google Buzz: Buzz tips


  Here are few tips to get you start playing with

1. Format your posts. When posting in Buzz, you can format text just edit the way you want whether bold/italic/strikethrough.

2. View a summary of your own Buzz activity at

The Google Dashboard  is a place where you can find how much Google know you and what all information Google store about you, not that you can even delete stuff which you don’t Google to know from their data base

3. Use an @reply to send a post directly to someone's @Obama

If you want to make sure one of your friends sees a certain Buzz post,You can do so by typing in "@" symbol followed by the first few letters of their name, and select their email address from the list.  email address will not be visible  to others

4. Try keyboard shortcuts to fly through buzz. Turn on keyboard shortcuts from Settings, shortcuts like “i”,”k” , very useful when you mouse is not working

5. Mute posts so they don't get sent to your inbox.  If you don't want to see any more response you can always mute from the comments option drop down list by clicking  “mute this post ”

 Enjoy buzzing around

  6. Post by email. You can post buzz by emailing   it will automatically get posted  as your buzz post

7. Prevent your boring chat status messages from being posted to Buzz.  use parenthesis in you chat status so that it don't become status of you buzz

8. Look for the yellow line to see what's new.  .

9. Link to a post.  you can also link your blog/website url to your buzz post from the comment drop drop down list.

10. Follow the Buzz team in Google Buzz. Visit buzz  for more new feature and also suggest new you want to see in Google Buzz

 Official Gmail Blog: 5 Buzz tips

5 more Buzz tips: post by email, follow the Buzz team, and more

Google Buzz an analogous to Twitter is getting popularity at a faster rate as because Google is making  users of  its popular  service Gmail  to auto  use it .